Self-study in the design of the methodological strategy of Learning Based on a Teaching Project for teacher training




self-study, creativity, digital, multidisciplinary, learning, skills


After more than a decade of training for future teachers, self-reflection on the practice for learning is inevitable, to interpret, build and define the know-how in the profession, own and of future teachers. In the formation of these, creativity is a necessary condition to serve as a transmitter of know-how and favors the multidisciplinary approach in learning, where ICTs, in the digital era, serve as a guiding thread in the coordination of resources, contents, and didactic strategies. This virtual environment is exceptionally useful to provide a radial and integral vision of the teaching and learning processes, for those who take the Master's Degree in Teacher Training (MFP), which promotes the development of skills and / or skills required in the professional environment they face, the teaching and transmission of knowledge. This work shows, as a study case, the personal reflective process developed in the implementation of a comprehensive proposal for Learning Based on a Teaching Project (ABPD), which has been developed since the becoming of the MFP at the UCM in the Didactics subject in the specialty of Economics and Business Administration (ADE and ECO), from the focus of self-study in practical and pedagogical training, combining the university and secondary education centers.


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How to Cite

de la Iglesia Villasol, M. C. (2020). Self-study in the design of the methodological strategy of Learning Based on a Teaching Project for teacher training. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 82(2), 81–106.





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