Linguistic awareness in the construction of multilingual discourses: spontaneous intercomprehension in Portuñol




multilingual discourse, language awareness, intercomprehension, portuñol


The production of multilingual discourses is very low if the current multilingual configuration of our societies is considered. Speakers tend to generate monolingual discourses, not only when they communicate in their mother tongue, which is obvious, but when communication is performed in a second language. The realisation of this fact is easily seen on the Internet, since locating oral and multilingual written productions on the network is not an easy task. The preference for monolingual communication in second languages responds to a number of factors, including the communicative efficiency and the prestige of monolingual communication, an aspect of great influence on speakers. In formal communicative situations there is no doubt that the discourse that dominates is monolingual. Also in non-formal communications but in natural environments there is greater freedom in the discursive choice and linguistic awareness of speakers has a positive influence on the construction of multilingual discourses. We approach this issue from the perspective of spontaneous intercomprehension in Spanish and Portuguese based on a corpus of study in which oral and written productions of spontaneous intercomprehension have been recorded. The analysis has allowed us to observe a linguistic awareness favourable to interactions in different languages which naturally enters multilingual discourse.


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How to Cite

Matesanz del Barrio, M. (2019). Linguistic awareness in the construction of multilingual discourses: spontaneous intercomprehension in Portuñol. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 81(1), 75–96.

