Spain vs. Portugal in education. A systemic approach
Comparative education; Systemic approach; Spanish education; Portuguese education; EvaluationAbstract
As a result of the demands of the context and its rapid transformation, modern societies have been confronted with the urgent need to improve their educational systems. A useful practice for the improvement of organizations is to compare oneself with others that, starting from inferior situations, have managed to advance in a substantive way; to later try to find out how they did it. This paper takes up this strategy and adopts Portugal as an element of comparison. To do this, it starts from a systemic approach to education based on the structure: context, inputs, policies, outputs, and outcomes, which serves as a conceptual framework for selecting a broad set of indicators on which to make a sufficiently systematic comparison between the two countries, in in the field of education. The following conclusions emerge from the analysis of the differences: (a) regarding context variables, Spain is above Portugal. (b) In terms of inputs, Portugal exceeds Spain in accumulated expenditure per student and is behind in providing educational and human resources. (c) In terms of outputs and outcomes, Portugal exceeds Spain in all the indicators considered. (d) Finally, in relation to policies, the position of Portugal is clearly more advanced than that of Spain. This evidence is translated into a handful of recommendations, inspired by international consensus and validated by the success of the Portuguese case
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