Teaching for understanding: the case of the rural school of Bolonia (Cádiz, Spain)


  • Rosa Vázquez Recio Universidad de Cádiz (UCA), España




teaching for comprehension, case study, investigation


From the theoretical contributions of teaching for understanding and the educative experience of the rural school in Bolonia, belonging to the Rural Public School (cpr) Countryside of Tarifa (Cádiz, Spain), the article intends to highlight the value that this type of education has for the achievement of goals on part of the students on functional, relevant and meaningful learning that exceed the notion of the appropriation of knowledge leakproof. It is also evident how the same one allows the students to be autonomous and to develop critical thinking and reflective. Along the article are exposed particularities of teaching for understanding, as the active participation of students, the role of research, the error as a learning resource, the cooperative work, the use of diverse materials and resources (textual, digital and iconic) and the continuous and participatory evaluation.


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Author Biography

Rosa Vázquez Recio, Universidad de Cádiz (UCA), España

Doctora y profesora titular de Didáctica y Organización Escolar en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Cádiz, España.


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How to Cite

Vázquez Recio, R. (2011). Teaching for understanding: the case of the rural school of Bolonia (Cádiz, Spain). Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 57, 183–202. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie570492

