Inclusive practices in the school context: a look at three international experiences




Universal Education, Equal opportunity in education, education for all


Today, by talking about inclusive education, we are looking to the future to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The aim of this paper is to describe three experiences carried out in different contexts: Quebec (Canada), Montevideo (Uruguay) and the Region of Valencia (Spain) that respond to the principles of inclusive education. The experiences were selected according to a set of criteria and taking into account the attributes that good practice should have according to UNESCO: reproducible, sustainable, innovative and efficient. The first experience is in a context of great cultural and linguistic diversity where the use of French has been fostered by participatory workshops. The second experience took place in a school which, following a diagnosis of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, undertook an institutional project based on the use of technologies as a tool for inclusion. The third experience is held in a multi-grade classroom, in a rural setting, where students perform a children's opera with the help of teachers and family participation. To conclude, some key insights are presented in the form of lessons learned or challenges encountered.


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How to Cite

Sanahuja Ribés, A., Borri-Anadon, C. ., & De Angelis , C. . (2022). Inclusive practices in the school context: a look at three international experiences. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 89(1), 17–37.





Haciendo realidad la inclusión en la escuela: condiciones, desafíos y prácticas