The challenges of the basic education in the 21st century


  • Juan Carlos Tedesco Ex secretario de Planificación y Educación Educativa, Unidad de Planeamiento Estratégico y Evaluación de la Educación Argentina (UPEA), Presidencia de la Nación.



basic education; institutional dimension of education; process of learning-teaching; educational transformation, education gap


The basic education of the 21st century is based in two big pillars; learn to learn and learn to live together. To understand the reasons of these education pillars is necessary to analyse the new capitalism dynamics as well as the objectives of building a more just society. These pillars are the base of important transformations in basic education, affecting both the curriculum contents, training and teaching performance as  the institutional organization of the school activity. To that end, it posits a pedagogical gaze based in the objective of overcoming the social determinism learning results, which dominates the basic education in our region.


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How to Cite

Tedesco, J. C. (2011). The challenges of the basic education in the 21st century. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 55, 31–47.





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