Sense, meaning and mediation in Vygotsky: implications in the construction of the reading process


  • Fabiane Adela Tonetto Costas Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
  • Liliana Soares Ferreira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.



sense, significant, mediation; reading


The article establishes a relation between the cultural mediation process, determined by the socio-historical psychology of Lev Vygotsky and the constitution significance and meaning of the reading. To this end, is supported by a bibliographical revision that includes the texts of the reference author, including the works of Gadamer (1988) by his contribution in the hermeneutics when discussing  the aspects targeted in this article. It also provides texts of the brazilian authors Souza (1995) and Freitas (1994) that connect with the creed of the socio-historical psychology regarding to the differentiation between significance and meaning.


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How to Cite

Tonetto Costas, F. A., & Soares Ferreira, L. (2011). Sense, meaning and mediation in Vygotsky: implications in the construction of the reading process. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 55, 205–223.





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