Ibero-american cooperative research on science-technology-society. Two expemplary projects on assessment and teaching on specific subjects
science-technology-society; the nature of science and technology; didactics of experimental sciencesAbstract
The paper presents two cooperative research projects developed by several institutions in a set of countries (European and American) with iberian languages between 2005 and 2013, a period that includes the processes of preparation to request them, and the date of completion of the second of these, currently under development. Although both were planned before the publication of the document on the Educational Goals 2021, targets and indicators applied to educational research and education in science and technology (s&t) of these goals coincide with the objectives of the two exemplary initiatives, which have as a framework the orientation science-technology-society (sts), now also called nature of science and technology (ndcyt).
In the first, «Ibero-american Project Evaluation of Attitudes Related to Science, Technology and Society» (piearcts), was done a transnational evaluation of attitudes and beliefs that, regarding to these issues, have the students and teachers in the participating countries.The final sample evaluated exceeded 16,000 people and the results indicate that neither the teachers nor the students have an adequate understanding of many of the themes of sts-ndcyt and that these beliefs vary between groups (between countries, sciences and humanities, men and women, university students of first and last year, teachers in training and experienced teachers).
In the second project, «Teaching and Learning about the Nature of Science and Technology (eancyt): an Innovative Proposal for Education», didactic sequences are designed to teach specific content of sts-ndcyt to students in their classrooms in order to empirically assess its effectiveness and education quality.
There have been designed and developed scripts on four dozens of topics, which currently apply in the classrooms of the participating countries. Finally, we comment on specific aspects and on the impact of the implementation of both initiatives of cooperation and are also mentioned the benefits that for the educational practice have created materials and the efficacy results in its experimental application, available for teachers.
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