Quality in teaching in higher education of the University Center of the North, University of Guadalajara, Mexico
Learning, B-Learning, quality of teaching, higher education, teaching methodologyAbstract
Talking about the quality of teaching in higher education is a somewhat complicated issue, since it requires several indicators that merit quality which is considered as one of the most important points for students of higher education. The present research analyzes the quality of teaching in higher education of the University Center of the North (CUNorte), University of Guadalajara, in Mexico, where the educational model is B-Learning, based only on the students of bachelor’s degree of the same center, for this A simple random sample was taken by participating in the survey method through a software program called SurveyMonkey, a tool that allows data collection in a single moment. Starting from the fundamental axes for educational quality research is carried out to make known the deductions of efficacy in teaching where the teacher plays an important role for student learning. The results show that student learning is favorable and even better in a collaborative way.
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