Policy for good editorial practice in gender equality

In order to achieve a fairer and more inclusive society in terms of gender equity and equality at all levels, one of the priorities of the Ibero-American Journal of Education is to follow an editorial policy in favour of inclusive language in all its articles. To this end, it is recommended that authors use gender-neutral language such as: student body, teachers, learners, childhood, people, human being, academic staff, research staff, teaching team, etc.

In keeping with this, we are constantly striving to transform our editorial bodies and policies in order to promote gender equality, which we achieve through the following actions:

  • More than 40% of our editorial team is female. Copywriting Board, Editorial Board and Scientific Council
  • More than 40% of the reviewers for papers sent to the journal are female.
  • The style guides include specific recommendations for the use of  gender inclusive languagein papers and published work.
  • The journal includes the full name of the authors of published papers.
  • In scientific papers, authors are requested to ensure that the source data of the research is gender-sensitive in order to allow for the identification of possible differences.