Enfoques de aprendizaje y metodologías de enseñanza en la universidad


  • Fuensanta Hernández Pina Universidad Mayor, Chile
  • Angélica Arán Jara Universidad Mayor, Chile
  • Honorio Salmerón Pérez Universidad de Granada, España




Enfoques de aprendizaje, metodologías activas de enseñanza, aprendizaje reflexivo, modelo educativo por competencias


The adoption by a student of a learning approach or another, Mladenovic & Brokett (2002) is in some way molded according to the educational context in which he or she participates. If you choose a competency-based training context, this implies purposes of a given learner model. That is to say, students tend to increase autonomy and ability to learn, they take on more responsibility and they increase understanding of knowledge with their peers and teachers, within a collaborative context. From this perspective two elements are interrelated: the form and manner in which students come to knowledge and the methodological context in which the student participates, which in a way facilitates or offers resistance to that approach. This paper presents an empirical study in order to identify the learning approaches that college students adopt when they perform their academic tasks Hernández and Hervás (2005); Hernández, Rodriguez, Ruiz y Esquivel (2010) and it also identifies their motivation and learning strategies, so as to design educational actions Calvo de Mora, J. (2005) which would facilitate the adoption of deep and self-regulated approaches in their learning process.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Como Citar

Hernández Pina, F., Arán Jara, A., & Salmerón Pérez, H. (2012). Enfoques de aprendizaje y metodologías de enseñanza en la universidad. Revista Ibero-Americana De Educação, 60(3), 1. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie6031299





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