Vol. 78 No. 1 (2018): Neurodidactics in the classroom: Transforming education

					View Vol. 78 No. 1 (2018): Neurodidactics in the classroom: Transforming education

The latest advances in Neuroscience as well as in brain exploration methods have allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of how the brain learns so as to develop its maximum potential. Thus, we may improve our students’ teaching and learning processes in the classroom.

For this reason, this issue of RIE, coordinated by Chema Lázaro Navacerrada and Susana Mateos Sánchez, is attempting to address a new way of teaching and learning through Neurodidactics, with a few studies being conducted in our region.

Published: 2018-11-15

Monográfico. Neurodidáctica en el aula