Rural education and social pedagogy: interculturality in collective struggles for land and education
rural education; social pedagogy; traditional cultures and knowledge; partnership.Abstract
The article aims to discuss Rural Education as a practice of Social Pedagogy. Analyses focus on the problems of land and education struggles of rural workers, especially the Traditional Communities and Peoples (Decree 6.040/2010). How does Rural Education work the cultures and knowledge of rural workers? Rural Education is not a monovalent concept nor is it restricted to schooling processes; it can be defined as interculturality practice (Fornet-Betancourt, 2001). It is based on socio-historical research approaches (Fichtner et al., 2013) for the evaluation of official documents, reaffirming education as citizens’ rights and the duty of the State. Interinstitutional collaborative practices (Foerste, 2005) among social movements, education departments, universities and so on, consider peoples, territories, cultures and traditional knowledge as dimensions that articulate the collective construction of pedagogical projects of the Rural Education as a practice of Social Pedagogy.
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