Contributions of Paulo Freire’s to intercultural education. A case study in secondary education
intercultural education; linguistic diversity; dialogue; Paulo Freire; politicsAbstract
The general purpose of the research is to investigate and reflect on the contributions of Paulo Freire’s pedagogy to intercultural education and study its applicability in the educative system. The research that we have developed is of qualitative character and is focused on a case study. In a first level, we make an analysis of a selected portion of the written work of Freire and we establish the basic lines of what would be their intercultural sensitivity. On another level of analysis we conducted a study in the curriculum of the ESO in Asturias in its intercultural dimension. The contributions Paulo Freire have allowed us to identify challenges that the cultural diversity present in the Asturias curriculum. The results obtained in our study make it clear that, despite the appropriateness of the present moment, the need for the development of this proposal and the fact that the educational community is willing to incorporate; it would be necessary that determined prior conditions should exist. These conditions have to do fundamentally with aspects such as: organizational infrastructure in the school where all academic life it becomes intercultural; understand the educational and social meaning of secondary education, the need to launch a curriculum in which, cultural diversity has its own place, and all of this, within a context where the students enjoy the same educational opportunities in order to grow from a social, cultural and educational.
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