Learning Analytics for a typified vision of student learning. A case study
records of uses, students, learning, gamifying, skills, learning analytics.Abstract
The new methods of teaching and learning, based on virtual environments, which are an asynchronous extension of the classrooms, has determined that the teacher has had to assume new roles, some of which go through to increase their observation capacity and become an analyst of the learning process that the students follow, about the uses they make of digital platforms, how they interrelate with them and with others students, and how they acquire knowledge and develop skills and competences. From this point of view, the work deals with the description of statistical uses and registers, which, as a fingerprint, leave students in face-to-face courses in the virtual platforms, and which can define typologies and patterns differentiated learning, aspect that can lead to a reflection and reorientation of the future teaching-learning process. Specifically, the case study includes descriptive results of the interaction of students' use of digital resources with continuous assessment and grades in the course of Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, of the degree in Economics (GECO), at the UCM in the 2018-19 academic year, providing a profile of use that is still very traditional and polarized, linked to minimum lags in the timetable of the proposed activities by the teacher.
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