El currículo por competencias en la universidad: una experiencia piloto


  • Nemecio Núñez Rojas Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo (USAT)




Training based on competences; curriculum for skills; curriculum; syllabus; micro curriculum


Competency-based curriculum management is one of the most complex processes that are developed at the University; this is demonstrated by the different experiences in the context of North American, European and Latin American universities. At “Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo” University a competency-based curriculum is applied and this study, systematizes the results of a pilot experience in the professional schools of Education and Law involving 20 professors and approximately 380 students.

This experience has been directed by a technical team that along with the managers and teachers of both schools, implemented the syllabus or curriculum by competencies in more than 25 subjects.

The results obtained through the valuation of the syllabus, interviews with managers, teachers, students and observation of classes; satisfying the initial expectations, confirming the commitment of managers, teachers and students in a practice that aims to contribute to an educational change at the University, through programs of specialization in competencies


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INSTRUMENTO DE VALORACIÓN DEL SÍLABO (Elaborado con base en una rúbrica)

How to Cite

Núñez Rojas, N. (2014). El currículo por competencias en la universidad: una experiencia piloto. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 64(1), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie641351





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