Conceptions of teachers on the teaching of written composition in early childhood education


  • Isabel Ríos García Universitat Jaume I (UJI), España
  • Pilar Fernández Martínez



teacher’s thought, early childhood education, initial writting , qualitative research.


In this article, we present some of the results obtained from two  different studies on teaching and learning of the written language in  pre-school education (ages 3-5), undertaken in 1999 and 2005 respectively. 
From the comparison of interviews to teachers and the qualitative analysis of these interviews some information grouped in two main axes is drawn:  the conceptions of how to  teach and learn writting; and the optimal conditions to do it.
The results obtained from the study show how the analaysis of teachers’ thourghts leads to a formulation of a didactic action model that we consider adequate to  carry  out initial literacy in early childhood education.


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How to Cite

Ríos García, I., & Fernández Martínez, P. (2016). Conceptions of teachers on the teaching of written composition in early childhood education. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 72, 129–146.





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