Educational opportunities and the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America




education and COVID-19; pandemic and education; remote teaching; learning opportunities; educational policies



This article examines the educational impact of COVID-19 in Latin America, situating this study in the context of the education policies advanced during the last decades, and their effects on the increase in educational opportunities.
The article argues that the pandemic initiates the fifth wave of transformation of the educational systems of Latin America, increasing the educational opportunity gaps between students of different social class and nationality, and thus also increasing the need for greater relevance of the educational systems in addressing the social, political and economic challenges in the region, which the pandemic has, in turn, complicated.
The article examines, based on the review of studies on the subject, the educational impact of the pandemic via its health and economic effects, which result in an increase in poverty conditions, as well as via the in-person suspension of classes and the creation of modalities of remote learning, of variable effectiveness and in particular of limited effectiveness in maintaining the learning opportunities of lower-income students.


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Author Biography

Fernando Reimers, Universidad de Harvard, EE.UU.

Profesor de Práctica de la Educación Internacional de la Fundación Ford y director de la Iniciativa de Innovación en Educación Global y del Programa de Maestría en Políticas de Educación Internacional de la Universidad de Harvard. Experto en el campo de la educación global, la investigación y la enseñanza de enfoque en la comprensión de cómo educar a los niños y jóvenes para que puedan prosperar en el 21 st siglo, temas sobre los que ha escrito y coordinado cuarenta libros y más de cien artículos científicos y capitulos. Es miembro de la comisión de alto nivel de la UNESCO sobre el futuro de la educación y del Consejo Asesor Educativo de la Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos.


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How to Cite

Reimers, F. (2021). Educational opportunities and the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 86(1), 9–23.

