Storytelling for economists, as a strategy for acquiring social skills in the classroom


  • Mª Covadonga de la Iglesia Villasol Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), España



learning innovation, skills, values, storytelling


This study introduces the storytelling or motivational narrative as a learning tool, used in the cultural and also in the educational area, and even in its more traditional version as well as in the digital version, which combines creative aspects with multiform resources and technological instruments. This tool, which has proven to be very useful in new business management, both in activating motivation, link efficient work and cohesion teams, adapts to the training program of university students. In particular the case study is individualized for students of Economics (ECO) in the UCM in the course 2014/15. The adaptation of this technique, storytelling, allows students to develop professional skills, as well as recognize and consolidate values of professional practice. This initiative, in the form of a case study, is applied in practical seminars and it implementation shows significant results in the improvement of the degree of acquisition of various competences in three dimensions: i) digital competences, 2) narrative competences, 3) creative competencies. It is worth noting that more than 74% of the students show a high level of digital and creative skills, although around half 57% have a high level of narrative competence.


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Author Biography

Mª Covadonga de la Iglesia Villasol, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), España

Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España.


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How to Cite

de la Iglesia Villasol, M. C. (2017). Storytelling for economists, as a strategy for acquiring social skills in the classroom. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 74, 23–54.

