Internationalization in Basic Education in Brazil: challenges in teacher training




Internationalization of Basic Education; Interculturality; Teacher training.


Although there are geographical distances between countries on different continents, this distance dissipates as technology allows one to enter the space of the other, as immigration allows people to come and go between nations, bringing people and cultures closer together and, demanding a new way of thinking about society, a new way of thinking about and doing education. In the meantime, there is internationalization, which ceases to be a niche only for Higher Education and starts to transit in Basic Education, even if sometimes silently. This article aims to reflect on internationalization in Basic Education in the Brazilian scenario. It also presents aspects of double immersion schools, the Brazilian context of internationalization in Basic Education; the teacher necessary for teaching in an educational territory that is increasingly interconnected, globalized, and intercultural, which is moving quickly towards internationalization.


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How to Cite

Felicetti, V. L., Spicer-Escalante, M. L., Brito, R. de O., & Guilherme, A. A. . (2023). Internationalization in Basic Education in Brazil: challenges in teacher training. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 93(1), 33–44.





Internacionalización en la Educación Básica y Media: lenguajes de la realidad