Towards a neurodydactic culture of evaluation. The perception of the university student




Neuroscience, evaluation, neurodidactic, evaluative techniques


 Today, advances in neuroscience are bringing a paradigm shift in education and, of course, in evaluation. Evidence is emerging that a new evaluation is necessary and possible. This article proposes the need to strengthen an evaluative culture based on neurodynamic principles. This new way of evaluating involves employing various participatory evaluation techniques for both the student body and the teacher. Techniques that help students know what they know and how far they can go by enhancing their abilities and making the most of their possibilities.

This research presents not only theoretical assumptions and methodological implications for making neuroevaluative practices a reality, but also presents the qualitative results obtained by a sample of 120 university students about how they have been evaluated. From the students' point of view, we can see that the evaluation is far from the assumptions impregnated by neuroscience. To verify this reality is necessary to realize that it has to change if we want to carry out evaluative practices of excellence that stimulate the generation of neurotransmitters that guarantee adequate synapses in the students' brains. Teachers have the challenge of being brain modifiers and evaluative practice determines, without doubt, the structure, chemistry and electrical activity of the brain. Therefore, impregnate the evaluation process of neuroeducational foundations is a requirement and a need today in the teaching profession.


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How to Cite

Calatayud Salom, M. A. (2018). Towards a neurodydactic culture of evaluation. The perception of the university student. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 78(1), 67–85.





Monográfico. Neurodidáctica en el aula