Ways of teaching that encourage my students to reflect on how to offer in early childhood teaching experiences that enhance learning: a view from my teaching practice





self-study; initial teacher training; teacher reflection; professional learning community.


In this article, we share the collective journey that as critical friends we made about our actions in teaching and training future preschool teachers. Convinced that setting this reflection in motion will allow us to continue questioning our work and to improve our pedagogical practices, as well as to contribute to enriching the reflective processes of the future preschool teachers in relation to the processes of learning and teaching to learn. We discussed about our tensions, difficulties and dilemmas. We tried to discuss about them, to finally build a map that could represent this journey; giving a name to what we experienced realizing that we are not always aware of the effect it produces in ourselves, and in our students’ learning.


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How to Cite

Cabrera-Murcia, E. P., Silva Salinas, C., & Gorichon Gálvez, S. (2020). Ways of teaching that encourage my students to reflect on how to offer in early childhood teaching experiences that enhance learning: a view from my teaching practice. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 82(1), 75–97. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie8213650





Monographic. Self-study on practices of initial teacher training

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