Primary Education student´uses and opinions on science teaching methodology




attitude, elementary education, science and technology, teaching methods


Positive attitudes towards science decrease with age, and the teaching methodologies used could be considered one of the reasons. The present research aims to describe the utilization of different teaching resources used in science education in primary education and analyse their possible influence on attitudes and taste for science. A total of 378 students, from the last year of primary education, were evaluated through a Likert scale. The results indicate that the resources associated with more classical or traditional teaching methodologies are those that are mostly used in science education, with a predominance of teacher explanations and the resolution of exercises or problems. Dissonance has been evidenced between the strategies used in the classroom and the student’s preferences. On the other hand, the assessment they make of science and the subject of Natural Science is quite positive, not showing a clear trend in the influence of the didactic resources used and their opinions. Also, there are differences in the preference for the subject and the use of certain resources, presenting a negative correlation for the lectures and the resolution of exercises.


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How to Cite

Vidal López, M., Dapía Conde, M. D., & Escudero Cid, R. . (2021). Primary Education student´uses and opinions on science teaching methodology. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 87(2), 153–170.





Educación Científica. Nuevas metodologías para una sociedad cambiante