Teachers` perspective on the 21st century competencies. A study in the west-central region of Portugal.


  • Isilda Pereira e Silva Escola Secundária Engº Acácio Calazans Duarte (ESEACD), Portugal
  • José Manuel Pereira da Silva Escola Secundária Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro (ESRBP), Portugal
  • Gabriel Grabowski Universidade Feevale, Brasil
  • Dinora Tereza Zucchetti Agrupamento de Escolas de Cister, Portugal




21st century competencies, professional development of teachers, information society


The challenges that contemporary society faces in terms of information management and employability in a context of growing uncertainty about the future have led to an increase in international studies about the need to adapt education systems to this new reality.
Some of the questions that have arisen in these studies are related to the connection between globalization and technology: in an increasingly networked society, should school stick to an educational and didactic model based on knowledge transfer? While facing new emerging forms of economy and the required profile for individuals who should serve it, school is forced to shift the theoretical paradigm of its action and review its collective praxis. What is the perception of Portuguese teachers concerning this new social task? What are the skills they should develop in order to be change agents of their students?
In this study, which was carried out by a team of Portuguese and Brazilian researchers in partnership with two training centers in the west-central region of Portugal, we sought to understand the importance attributed by a sample group of teachers (N = 472): first, to a set of 13 skills students should develop and, second, to a set of 13 skills to be integrated in their professional profile and which are considered relevant in international studies, in both cases, especially those promoted by the OECD (2009, 2015), UNESCO (2015) and UE (2010; 2014).


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How to Cite

Pereira e Silva, I., Pereira da Silva, J. M., Grabowski, G., & Zucchetti, D. T. (2017). Teachers` perspective on the 21st century competencies. A study in the west-central region of Portugal. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 74, 193–216. https://doi.org/10.35362/rie740614

