Concept maps and mentefactos: Comparison and proposal to promote meaningful learning training


  • Agustín de la Herrán Gascón Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), España
  • Manuel Linares Álvaro Universidad de Granma (UDG), Cuba



Conceptual maps, mentefactos, constructivism, graphic organizers, maps of ideas


In order to become more universal, education today has directed considerable efforts to education focused on the individual needs of students and most formative learning. Teaching has provided the teaching methods and techniques to facilitate and improve the quality of learning. Both mentefactos concept maps as can be understood as teaching techniques aimed at achieving the aforementioned purposes. Although one may be better known than any other in our learning environment, the actions have marked similarities and differences, a teaching professional can assess decision-making skills and critical simultaneously. Both knowledge organizers also offer positive and marked improvement.
This article has two purposes: At first, contribute to the analysis of both models of graphic representation of knowledge, to describe and conceptuarlos, deepening its negative and positive aspects, advantages, differences and similarities. In a second step, is to propose a more complex resulting from the synthesis of both, so that it can exploit the potential of concept maps as both mentefactos, and minimize its negative aspects.

Keywords: Conceptual maps, mentefactos, constructivism, graphic organizers, maps of ideas


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How to Cite

Herrán Gascón, A. de la, & Linares Álvaro, M. (2013). Concept maps and mentefactos: Comparison and proposal to promote meaningful learning training. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 61(3), 1–16.





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