Anxiety in primary mexican students: personal, school and familiar variables


  • Laura Gaeta González Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (upaep), México
  • Valentín Martínez-Otero Pérez Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España



anxiety; infancy; school population; prevention


The interest for the infantile anxiety has increased in the last years, since previously was denied the possibility: the infancy was, by force, a «happy stage». Nevertheless, theoretical agreement does not exist in regard to the anxiety and it does not turn out easy to do a diagnosis, the minor is the child, the more the symptoms of anxiety differ to those that the adults present. The intention of this study is to analyze some personal, school and familiar variable type related to the levels of anxiety in the children.
808 Mexican students of 5th and 6th grade of primary education, belonging to six educational institutions took part of the investigation. The results show significant levels of anxiety in the pupils, mainly in the girls.
Variables like the academic degree, type of institution (public or private), the marital status of the parents and the education affect in the levels of anxiety. On the basis of the work done, theoretical relevant questions on the reasons and the consequences of the anxiety in the childhood are checked, at the time that preventive guidelines are offered to be applied, especially, in the school centers.


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How to Cite

Gaeta González, L., & Martínez-Otero Pérez, V. (2014). Anxiety in primary mexican students: personal, school and familiar variables. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 66, 45–58.



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