Educational approach of antisocial behavior in adolescents




antisocial behavior; education; prevention; development


This article integrates theoretical and empirical knowledge in the educational approach, not merely school, of antisocial behaviors in childhood and adolescence, with the plural aim of better understanding these behaviors, neutralizing the risk factors, establishing the appropriate measures once they occur, and detecting and promoting prosociality. Given the heterogeneous and evolutionary nature of antisociality, it is emphasized that a broad-spectrum educational intervention in different contexts is required, in addition to legal and clinical actions. It is mainly about establishing pedagogical bases from which the minors are involved, and family, school, and social action are guided in a coordinated manner. After reviewing different conceptions of antisociality and other related notions, paths of comprehensive educational action are described, in line with the proposed approach and the abandonment of exclusively judicial or therapeutic interventions, from a humanistic, multidimensional, and systemic pedagogical perspective, in that the interconnection of actors and environments plays a transcendental role. Structurally, educational action is systematized based on four aspects (cognitive, emotional, ethical, and social), enabling antisociality prevention and promoting coexistence


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How to Cite

Martínez-Otero Pérez, V., & Gaeta González, M. L. . (2024). Educational approach of antisocial behavior in adolescents. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 94(1), 179–192.



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