The construction of knowledge in early childhood education


  • Isabel M. Gallardo Fernández Universidad de Valencia (UV), España



Construction of knowledge, dialogue, basic skills, Pre-primary Education


This experience is held from the perspective of a democratic education, in a context of autonomy, freedom and mutual help. It provides, for the Pre-Primary students, the opportunity to exchange and acquire knowledge easily. We take as a reference the Work thought Projects, that is based in the analysis and interpretation of the information. Also, the Work thought Projects promote a perspective focussed on comprehension, meaning creation and the assumption of a transdisciplinary curriculum. It is needed to open the schools to their context in order to diversify learning environment and situations. The decision to teach in the frame of basic skills brings important changes in the determination of the learning contents and, specially, in a deep way, in the educative practice. Students achieved basic skills making a variety of experiences that require a contextualized learning. The implementation of Pre-primary curriculum leads to suppose the classroom as a privileged space to improve the personal autonomy. Trusting in the pupils’ ability and where the activities are plenty of educational intention.

Keywords: Construction of knowledge, dialogue, basic skills, Pre-primary Education


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How to Cite

Gallardo Fernández, I. M. (2013). The construction of knowledge in early childhood education. Iberoamerican Journal of Education, 63(1), 1–21.





- Early childhood education

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