Vol. 79 No. 1 (2019): Exclusion, poverty and ICT in Latin American schools

					View Vol. 79 No. 1 (2019): Exclusion, poverty and ICT in Latin American schools
The programs of the 1: 1 model of computer integration in schools were born, particularly in Latin America. It was about offering students their individual use in the classroom. The monograph, coordinated by Joaquín Paredes-Labra, Alicia Kachinovsky, Noemí Burgos and Cerapio Quintanilla, echoes the upward transformation in telecommunications in the region, while great difficulties occur to overcome situations of poverty. In this context, the popularization, in everyday life, of devices of all kinds associated with the digital world, which coexist with school maintenance policies of the 1: 1 model, policies of which a balance is made with chiaroscuro, particularly for the numerous difficulties they have had to face and the adaptations promoted to overcome them.
Published: 2019-03-15

Exclusion, poverty and ICT in Latin American schools