Currículo e fenomenologia: Limites e possibilidades no ensino experimental da física
enseñanza de la física, laboratorio didáctico, curriculoAbstract
The following text has the aim of promoting a reflection on those issues linked to the curriculum, highlighting their boundaries and possibilities in a phenomenological approach, as a way to identify and appreciate, in the educational process, the experience, the lifeworld, of each student. As an example of the importance of elements present in phenomenology for evaluating the learning-teaching process, we will discuss teaching physics in a didactic laboratory, highlighting these items as basic points for making the teaching physics a more meaningful experience and, in this way, contributing to the training of individuals that can express a reasoned opinion, and are more involved in their society.
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1) Physical Sciences Study Committee, programa (projeto) criado nos EE.UU. no final da década de 1950 e que foi aplicado no Brasil.
2) Laboratório de sucata é aquele em que o aluno constrói o seu equipamento na atividade prática com materiais alternativos.
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