Vol. 81 No. 1 (2019): Bilingualism: Spanish and Portuguese. Languages that co-exist with other languages in Ibero-America

					View Vol. 81 No. 1 (2019): Bilingualism: Spanish and Portuguese. Languages that co-exist with other languages in Ibero-America

Two Romance languages with an international scope stand out within the linguistic diversity of Ibero-America: Spanish and Portuguese, which jointly represent a population of nearly 800 million speakers worldwide. Nevertheless, on several occasions, the linguistic proximity of these two languages is barely reflected in the linguistic and cultural knowledge of their speakers. The multilingualism of the inhabitants of America, Europe, Africa and Asia is often limited and excludes the considerable linguistic wealth of the area, shared by Spanish and Portuguese with multiple native languages and diasporic languages. This volume which is edited by the lecturers Maria Helena Araújo e Sá, María Matesanz del Barrio and Gilvan Müller de Oliveira, brings together a series of articles that deal with multilingual complexities from a bilingual perspective and promote linguistic contact in boundary areas and multiculturalism.

Published: 2019-09-17


Monograph. Bilingualism: Spanish and Portuguese